6 Self-Care Practices for Parents in 2023

We are already two months into the new year and I find myself hitting a lot of my personal & family goals. Last year, I was juggling two part-time jobs and while it was rewarding professionally as well as personally, I found I barely had time to work out, enjoy some downtime, let alone do chores on a weekly basis. It was exhausting and I knew I had to make a change. Luckily, the timing was perfect because my husband was recently promoted and so we were in a privileged position where I didn’t need that second job. The reality is that self-care goals are for privileged people who don’t have to worry about living paycheck to paycheck and making sure they have enough food on the table for their children. That’s why it’s important to raise empathetic children who are aware of everything they have, who are grateful for it and who want to give back. In this blog post, I will walk you through a few of my daily/weekly routines I have taken up in 2023 that are not exceedingly time-consuming but that help with keeping my house organized, my body moving, my mind rested and one which allows me to devote time to my creative outlets. Self-care is as important as ever when you are a mother/parent (I am not even going to say a working parent because that just sounds redundant!) Remember, our children pay attention to everything we do or say, so take care of your mental and physical health and try to be a better model this year.

So what does self-care look like when you are a mother, who by definition puts her children’s needs ahead of hers? Well, let me let you in on a secret: it doesn’t have to be anything fancy and expensive like going to a tropical destination, treating yourself to a spa day or even signing up for yoga or pilates classes. Below is a list of steps I take to ensure that I take care of myself so I can be the best version of myself for my family.

  • Simplify: The first step to self-care, in my view, is to simplify your life as a person and as a parent. We did some major decluttering this past season: I got rid of what seemed like a ton of old paperwork, consolidated all my important documents in one banker box, donated clothes I was no longer wearing and just generally clearing out the basement. We also worked on paring down the kids’ toys as they have outgrown a lot already. As a parent of two small children, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of toys and general clutter in the living room especially. This is where we apply minimalism habits, which basically have us rethink everything we own. We continually go through our belongings and assess whether we really need it if we aren’t using it on a daily basis. If the answer is no, then we toss it or donate it to families in need. We do have a couple of keepsake bins with baby/maternity and wedding items.

We designed a space-saving layout in our small house which seems to work for us. The kids’ play area is off to the side of the living room, where there are big windows letting in lots of natural light. That’s where I keep the children’s Montessori-inspired shelves as well as their couch and musical instruments. It’s also the nook for my office space, where I have my desk. My work space used to be in the basement in the guest room, but with the amount of sick days my kids had recently, I felt it best to move my work space to their play area so I can keep an eye on them while I work from home. Plus, the natural light is much better for my work productivity! Our philosophy in our family is the following: Every time you get something new, donate at least one item from that same category; Everything you own should have its own place and you should be able to find it very easily. So if you don’t want to spend hours cleaning and doing laundry, look up the concept of minimalism. I promise you, if you apply this system to your life, you will feel greater ease of mind and you’ll have more energy and time for what I list below: exercise, a social life and hobbies.

  • Plan your day: In the mornings, I usually make myself a nice cup of coffee and plan my day, by writing down a to-do list and separate out work tasks and personal tasks. I also make sure that I include any tasks that relate to self-care and not just work tasks and chores. You can use day planners, to-do sticky note pads, phone apps or even a combination of all three. Nothing quite like checking off all of the items on your list to make you feel like an efficient, productive human being.

  • Move your body, eat & sleep well: This one is critical. I have made it a top priority to incorporate more time for working out in my schedule. The benefits are immense: better mental health, improved cardio-vascular functioning, fit body, better sleep and more energy all around. It will actually enhance your productivity. I go the gym after I drop off my daughter at her preschool. I also do yoga at home twice a week by watching some free yoga videos on youtube. I love the channel psyche truth or yoga with Adrienne). All you need is a 20 minute power yoga routine. I follow that by 5-10 minutes of dancing to my favorite pop music. And while I do drive my children to school and daycare, I made a deal with my 4 year old that we would walk to or from school at least twice a week and so far, we’re sticking to it. I explained to her that walking is very good exercise — good for our bodies, good for our minds and better for our Planet. Now, she insists that we walk almost every day. It’s also important to accompany your exercise habits with healthy eating habits as well. Try to avoid red meats, and eat more veggies and fruits. We are a primarily pescatarian family but sometimes, we eat chicken. It’ always best to cut down on carbs, especially if you want to lose weight, but allow yourself to have sweets every once in a while. I allow myself to drink a glass of red wine and some chocolate on a weekly basis, while enjoying the latest show on Netflix.

  • Spend time in nature: Go for a hike or a forest bath if that’s what you enjoy! This is a chance to disconnect from technology, slow down and gives you time and space to awaken your senses in a natural setting. When I am working at home, I always take a lunch break outside if the weather permits and my cat is the one who signals when it’s time to do so. I leave my phone inside and take him in our backyard for some time in nature for him and for me. Bonus: I get to spend time with my pet.

  • Spend time with friends & your SO: Let’s be real here: having two children under 4 makes a romantic and social life very challenging to say the least but it doesn’t have to be that way if you make spending time with your husband and your friends a top priority. It’s important to cultivate your relationship with your significant other by spending quality time together outside of the household. Try to schedule a lunch date with a friend once a month or if you are friends with other parents, organize play dates for the kids and for the parents. As much as I love interacting with my children, I also miss having adult conversations in a social setting. We had the double whammy of having a baby during COVID so I feel like we haven’t seen much of our friends in the last two years.

  • Enjoy your hobbies: 2023 will be the year for me to get back to my many creative outlets, such as singing and songwriting, crocheting and even writing/blogging belongs in this category. As my kids get older, I will be showing them the process of recording vocals, producing their own music because we have noticed that they are both extremely musical. Include your whole family in your hobbies — they will be inspired by what you can create and will want to learn as well. As I said, children are always watching what their parents and if they see you engaged in your passions, they will be more likely to develop their own interests as they get older. I watched my mom garden ever since I was a little girl and now that we have a big backyard, I started growing veggies and fruits in our raised garden beds. I always ask her for advice about it. I feel like our shared interest strengthens our bond.

I hope you will find inspiration in this list of self-care practices. Basically, get organized, move your body, spend time in nature for its healing properties, spend time with your loved ones and delve into your creativity, whether it’s art, music, blogging or learning something brand new. Make the most of 2023!

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